PitCharger & Poultry Producers
Looking for solutions to help reduce the odor at your poultry processing facility? Here at PitCharger, we can provide your business with professional odor reduction and manure management solutions. Our experts have worked with businesses of all sizes in the poultry industry, and we can help your company, farm, or organization do the same! Contact PitCharger to get a free quote for your personalized services today!
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What Is Poultry Odor Reduction?
Solid Buildup Can Back You Up
Have you heard the expression "solid as a rock?" When it comes to poultry manure, that phrase couldn't be more true. Solid poultry manure buildup can clog up your poultry processing equipment, causing back ups and costly repairs. Not only does this affect your poultry processing operation, but it also results in poultry odor problems and water contamination issues for your business. If you want to reduce your solid buildups at your poultry plant, then partnering with PitChanger is the perfect option for you. Learn more about our solid buildup solutions to get relief for your operation.

Too Much Food Can Be A Bad Thing
Use PitCharger To Improve Your Hog Operations Today!
All of these reasons show how beneficial the PitCharger system can be for hog operations. Not only does it help to reduce odor, flies, and solids buildup, but it also aids in the digestion of feed. If you are looking for a solution that will help your hog farm run more smoothly, then look no further than PitCharger!