For Farmers:What Happens When You Improve Your Soil Health?
You Increase The Soil's Ability To Produce Better Yields The Quantity And Cost Commercial Inputs Begins To Drop You Increase The Value Of Your Land Because Of Its Ability To Out Produce Your Neighbors. Over Years If You Increased the Yield On 1000 Acres Of Corn From 200 Bushels Per Acre To 210 Bushels An Acre Or 5% At Five Dollars A Bushel It Would Translate Into 1/2 Million Dollars Extra In Profit. Healthier Soil Increases The Profitability And Value Of Your Land Which Affects You Your Family's generations That Follow For Commercial Growers: If You Have The Ability To Increase The Productivity Of Your Edible Crops conservatively By 5% Year After Costs What Would That Do To Your Bottom Line Over The Next 10 Years? Call Us, And Let's Discuss How We Can Help You Change Your Garden, Your Greenhouse, Or Farms Future Productivity.
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